The feeling prayer

Is there a pain in your spirit, mind or heart that you just can’t shake?

When you consider the future, does it cause feelings of dread, worry, anxiety or depression?

Have you been unable to get past your own anger and bitterness for how someone has hurt you?

Has the person who is supposed to love you hurt you in a way that leaves you feeling confused, rejected or abandoned?

No matter what the pain is from, there is hope and healing available through the Divine Physician if you are willing to invite him in and the Feeling Prayer is a simple way to be “seen” by him.

To be reminded of our true identity as a beloved daughter (or son) of the Father and of the battle that is waging all around us in the spiritual realm.

For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens
— Ephesians 6:12

The way we protect ourselves in this invisible battle for souls is to learn how to feel every good + bad feeling WITH Jesus.

To not be ruled by the flesh but to make each feeling submissive to his will for us in it.

You see, no bad can happen to us that God doesn’t either permit or allow for the sanctification of our souls and/or for his glory.

When I found this way to pray for the first time, I was in the darkest place of my life.

I was hanging on by a thread of faith that God would some how deliver me from despair and the shell of a person I had become, who could have practically been knocked over by a feather in that season.

Praying this way helped me process my pain in a fruitful way and brought me peace in the midst of so much turmoil.

I had tried everything to pull myself together including therapy, coaching, spiritual direction, and sitting in circles with those who understood the pain I was carrying.   All of it was part of the work I needed to get stronger.

I didn’t know anything else was missing until I learned to invite Christ into the pain in this particular way.   When I did, I felt a peace wash over me that was deep and true even though the outward circumstances had not changed.

I found in the prayer Christ either removed the pain, fear, anxiety, etc. or gave me more grace to carry it.

I felt loved, seen and strengthened by him and if he can do that for me through all of that, know it is available to you too, my friend.

The Feeling Prayer is not complicated. It can be done anywhere at any time.

And you don’t even have to be great with “feelings” to do it….but don’t trust me, do it for yourself and see how Jesus will show up for you too.

Christ is bigger than any circumstance and knows not only the pain of our heart; he also knows the deep desires you have which seem so far away from you in your pain.

Are you ready to let Jesus in on your feelings with you?